Foros :: Ayuda :: My game "mirandoff Vs Terry Tyson"
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Terry Tyson
Publicado: 2015-02-13 22:32:28
My game "mirandoff Vs Terry Tyson"
Por favor - cerrado esta partida - son solo dos reyes en la tablear - es finito, esperando para otras partidas no es correcto!
Publicado: 2015-02-13 23:11:41
Se refiere a la partida número 188389, son tablas clarísimo, solo hay reyes, ¿le pidió tablas a su oponente Sr. Terry Tyson?.
Terry Tyson
Publicado: 2015-02-14 11:55:02
I did - several times - although, quite why I need to offer a draw and wait two days for an answer when only kings are on the board is beyond me. The system should recognize this immediately
Publicado: 2015-02-15 02:03:26
And was heading tables.
Terry Tyson
Publicado: 2015-02-15 08:51:26
no idea what you mean
Publicado: 2015-02-17 23:24:41
I say that already has finally draw in the game where you left with only the two kings